Monday, February 23, 2015

The Beginning!

It's 10.27pm on a Tuesday evening, after a long day applying for jobs, preparing for interviews, looking after my 6month old and trying to make everyone's food, I sit with my hubby,  me engrossed with the latest Nigerian gossip,  he says, babes, what are you doing? I tell him I'm on Linda Ikeji]s blog, and enjoying some juicy news.  "Always on Linda" he says. This is not the first time he'd comment about my daily ritual with Linda, and every time he says Dee why don't you start your own blog. "Like how" I reply, I'm not a writer, it takes me forever to compose something official without some grammatical something in it.

 Today however, when he mentioned it again, I'm like you know what, I love babies, and I love to read about babies! Babies from conception to birth. I talk to everyone I know about how I can better parent my child  even though she is just 6months and the only one so far. I read up on baby nutrition, sleep patterns, styling, baby afro hair care to pre-school advice, nanies, baby gyms, etcetera etcetera etcetera....

Therefore, as I read and experience, I shall write!

Happy reading!